Friday, July 10, 2009

Reduce the belly fat

  1. Stop consuming carbohydrates and replace it with vegetables and fruits
  2. Choose from cruciferous (cabbage, brocolli, etc.), fibrous (brussels sprouts, carrots, celery, etc) vegetables
  3. Eat steamed or boiled vegetables.
  4. Choose fruits like apples, avacadoes, blue-berries, dried figs, gooseberries, prunes, raspberries
  5. Eat whole fruit and not the juices extracted from these.
  6. Consume button mushrooms and fish (cod, shrimp, tuna, halibut, and salmon) for they contain Selenium which fights obesity, and fixes a lot other health related issues.
  7. Adding protien (such as lean meat, fish, and poultry) to your diet keeps you full but not fat.
  8. Monounsaturated fatty acids are fats which are healthy and they target belly fat. MUFA oils like canola and olive are the best. Also nuts which contains MUFA are almonds, cashewnuts, pistachios to name few.
  9. Eat olives as they help in reducing belly fat as well.
  10. Do not just exercise your belly (like doing crunches) instead consider exercising your whole body for an hour minimum each day, by dancing, jogging, skipping, and/or swimming.

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